Thursday, May 8, 2008

Iosepa is in the Water!!!!

Its so wonderful to see Iosepa in the water. It even gives me chicken skin writing about it. Its a beautiful day and I plan to go and jump in the water. I will post more pictures later, but if you have the chance come down. Apparently the plan is to have a couple sails the next few days and then prepare to holo to the Big Island.

Yesterday I learned some pretty interesting things from Sister Hartmann. She talked about how Iosepa is the only indigenous canoe in Hawai'i which is launched from indigenous waters. She also talked about one of her great grandfathers, Benjamin Franklin Johnson aka BF Johnson was an advisor to Kamehameha III and also a member of the Mission Presidency when Joseph F. Smith came on his mission to Hawai'i. She also said that he assisted in setting then Elder Smith apart as a missionary. She related that experience of her Great Grandfather to what she is doing now to help Iosepa move forward.



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